The Together Project CIO

Volunteer Recruitment,
Training & Support Procedure

Policy last reviewed: May 2022

Registered charity number 1192175

This procedure applies to all volunteers who are involved with running our Songs & Smiles sessions.

The purpose of this procedure is:

  • to ensure that every volunteer is fully aware of their roles and responsibilities

  • to give volunteers the support and guidance they need to feel fully confident in their role and to enjoy their volunteering experience

  • to ensure The Together Project follows best industry practice.


The Together Project’s volunteer recruitment procedure is as follows:

  1. The candidate fills in an online application form

  2. The Together Project reviews it and invites shortlisted candidates for a phone call about their application

  3. If The Together Project and the candidate both feel the role would be a good fit, the candidate attends a Songs & Smiles session to learn more about it (this step can be skipped if they have previously attended)

  4. The Together Project and the candidate either meet at the trial session or have a face-to-face/phone meeting afterwards to confirm whether both parties still feel the role would be a good fit

  5. If so, the volunteer completes an online training session and becomes a Dementia Friend (either by attending a Dementia Friends session in-person or watching a video online and submitting their details)

  6. The volunteer is given a Volunteer Handbook (digital or hard copy) containing information about their duties and The Together Project’s policies and gives their written agreement to abide by its contents

  7. The Together Project takes references

  8. Upon receipt of positive references, the candidate is now a Volunteer, shadows another volunteer or staff member to learn ‘on the job’ and is assigned a care home/assisted living scheme.


Every Songs & Smiles volunteer will complete both an online training course and a period of induction, where they learn ‘on the job’. This training course will include:

  • the ethos and aims of The Together Project

  • the benefits of Songs & Smiles for our service users and communities

  • dealing with situations that may occur

  • the most important points from our policies and procedures.

We collect volunteer feedback on the effectiveness of the training and use this to identify any gaps and improve future sessions.


All volunteers will be assigned a Manager who will be their primary point of contact. The manager will:

  • manage the volunteer’s holiday and absence periods

  • answer questions and provide guidance

  • respond to any concerns or allegations raised

  • keep the volunteer informed of updates to policies, procedures, training opportunities etc

  • provide ongoing support as required on an individual basis

  • act as a referee (for volunteers who have been active with us for a minimum of 12 weeks).